Pop past on the way to a birthday party, luncheon or friends house for dinner and grab something to take with you, beautifully wrapped and ready to deliver to your host.

Inspired by Ancient Egyptian monuments and tombs, the idea was to create a sculptural effect with hand carved writing into the façade.

As a ruin of a typical stone house, the building was built around the original stones.

Typical Greco-Roman exterior with a twist of Arabic - parts of the material are salvaged from the Zabeel palaces.

Inspired by the entrance of a classical Egyptian mosque.

Modeled after traditional Cairene mashrabiya houses, with a fairytale nostalgia.
Southern Façades

A little sci-fi post-apocalyptic infuence through the films Battleship and Water World.

Traditional forts of the region, mainly from the UAE and Oman, have buildings with rough surfaces, slanted walls and harsh stones - the holes are for guns and the protected cylindrical structure is for pouring hot oil on enemies.

Traditional architecture style of old Dubai, such as Bastakiya.

Eclectic façade created from the salvaged pieces of various seafaring vessels and other buildings.
Classical French exterior, with long shutters, balcony and larger entrance. An Arabic influence is visible through top corners and shapes modeled after reused glass bottles.