Pop past on the way to a birthday party, luncheon or friends house for dinner and grab something to take with you, beautifully wrapped and ready to deliver to your host.
Sacred Elements
The Courtyard does not just seek to be an oasis of art and culture amidst the busy hustle and bustle of Dubai, but it has also always had eco-friendly and green initiatives at the core of its operations.
Here nature fuses with the overall design. At The Courtyard, cats cool down on ceramic tiles, and birds nest in the archways—a testament to the enriching environment. The sensory experience is elevated by the sound of running water, birdsong, the scent of fresh greenery making The Courtyard a destination to unwind and connect with nature. The diverse avian residents, both year-round and migratory, including a vibrant green parrot, add to the enchantment, captivating laptop workers and visitors alike.
Most of the façades of the buildings that comprise the Courtyard are repurposed from other buildings. Much of the furniture and interior fittings are also created in the same vein, with the Courtyard producing a line of recycled furniture in-house. Examples include the counter in the main atrium, made out of wooden pallets, as well as a lighting fixture composed of water pipes. The library in the H2R office, for example, is made out of recycled windowpanes and metal bars.
Plants of various kinds have found a loving home here. They are cared for, trimmed, nurtured, and harvested while trees and trellises strategically provide natural shade, offering inhabitants protection from Dubai's prolonged hot summers. For Shaqayeq, the words of English poet, Alfred Austin, best capture her connection to The Courtyard’s sacred green space:
“The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature.”
A blue-tiled waterway, echoing the geometric layout of Persian Chahar Bagh gardens, lends life and flowing water to the setting. Beyond its visual appeal, it serves an eco-conscious purpose, designed for water regeneration to maintain an ideal temperature for plant life during the summer months, contributing to water conservation. The plants within the Courtyard's grounds have been brought from all over the UAE. Together with its flowing water features, they have become an attraction for all kinds of species of local bird life.
Today, green initiatives remain a focal point at The Courtyard. The team cultivates chemical-free produce, including dates, papayas, pumpkins, and tomatoes, which is freely shared with residents and visitors. The Courtyard also regularly hosts markets where visitors can purchase everything from fresh produce to preserves, young plants, glazed pots, and vintage furniture pieces.